He's done! Spencer has become the first person to bike to all of the National Parks in the Lower 48.
What's next?

Final Stats

parks visited
days elapsed
flat tire

Current Stats

parks visited
days elapsed
flat tires

last updated: 05-22-2024

What's next?

Now that the ride is over, I'm working on a map of all of the hiker/biker campsites in the US. You can check that out by clicking the button below. If you want to hear more about the ride, you can also check out these two podcast episodes.

Route Map

I'm sorry I couldn't make this map look less confusing. I start in Florida and end in Maine. There's a crossover in the route in Kentucky. Hopefully this context helps.

Want to see a live update of where Spencer has been so far? You can find that here.

What's this ride about?

This crosscountry cycling trip is a moment of mourning for the gifts of the National Parks we’ve lost or are soon to lose, a celebration of what’s still left for us to cherish, and an acknowledgement of the activists who work to make cycling a safer, more utilized means of transportation in our communities.